In the past few months we at Gunners Town, both Editors and writers have been overwhelmed by the interaction with the site of one man – Victor Thompson
What began as the occasional respectful and insightful comment became a regular flow of comments which I know our writing team value and appreciate. The comments became longer and were always so brilliantly written. So much thought had gone into his observations on the articles and blogs whether he agreed with them or otherwise. I watched as our regular writers began to debate with Victor, valuing his feedback and almost garnering his approval. His support of our young writing team I know has been hugely appreciated by us all.
In truth so many of his comments were blogs or articles in themselves and written so intelligently and beautifully that I approached the author to ask if he would like to write for Gunners Town himself. This may happen but at present Victor is still working and feels he may not have the time to do justice to the task. So what I am going to do in the main time is share some of his wonderful views on the club he loves from the comments he leaves. Much as Peter Nelson @Gooner1947 is the elder statesman who we all look up to and admire on Twitter I hope you will all begin to have the same respect for Victor.
This introduction may begin illustrate why……….
I was born in 1946. I am due to retire on the 31st October having practiced as a solicitor. I live in Belfast, married with two daughters and a son. My son is a true Gooner like his Dad.
When I was 11 I lived with my Gran. She bought me The Charles Buchan Annual every Christmas at a time when there was no TV, so no television access to football. There was not the same vast gulf between the super clubs and the others in those days. Most clubs depended on their local catchment area for support.
There were a few glamour clubs in England and obviously legendary clubs on the continent (mainly Real Madrid). Budding supporters depended on publications like The Charles Buchan Annual to provide coloured photographs of their teams and I was immediately struck by the Scarlet Shirts with White sleeves that jumped out of the pages. I read the history of the club and of the iconic Herbert Chapman. The Compton Brothers who played football and cricket for England etc. No other club in my view had that glamour about them. I was star struck and smitten by Arsenal.
I went to live in London in the sixties and I wasted no time in heading for Highbury. I lived in a flat in Tyndale Terrace Islington. It was a time when we had our Mezut Ozil in the form of George Eastham, a will of the whisp inside forward of slight build and velvet touches on the ball. Joe Baker was the glamour centre forward and Chelsea had Terry Venables, Peter Osgood, Charlie Cooke and Alan Hudson.
My best memory was watching the 1978-79 cup final in a bar in Holywood, County Down when we beat Manchester Utd. I was with a lifelong Man Utd. supporter and Arsenal were cruising to a 2-0 victory when Utd who had not been at the game scored two goals in the last 10 minutes. My mate jumped up and punched the ceiling when the equaliser went in. I think he was on his way down from the ceiling when Alan Sunderland scored the winner. It was the first time I had seen a grown man cry.
I travel to the Emirates as often as I can, but I always take my son. He is 27. It is very expensive for us to travel. It is impossible to get seats for big games so we have to buy tickets off season ticket holders and it is just too expensive to go and see mid table teams. Sometimes we go to Everton to watch Arsenal as they are always a very hospitable club and generous with their tickets. We usually get seated close to the Arsenal supporters.
I hope after my retirement, I have many years left to enjoy my favourite team.
Victor Thompson
Insights and observations from Victor Thompson to appear on GT with regularity from today. He is not on Twitter but he will SEE YOU IN THE COMMENTS FOR SURE!
Thanks for your continued support @goonerdave66 and @invinciblog (Dave & Paul.)
A sophisticated, articulate Arsenal Man of Mystery. Aged 70 and a bit.
Dear Gunnerstown crew,
Thank you very much for this article. I am very touched to have my comments appreciated.
Your`e right that I admire your writers, particularly those who live far away. I am amazed at the wealth of talent particularly the effort taken to research statistics and present such well reasoned articles.
I enjoy connecting with so many like minded fans and I look forward to continuing to do so. I value dissenting opinions just as much as those who agree with me. It is always refreshing to hear the opposing view.
Many thanks
Victor Thompson
Victor Thompson
A gentleman
A Scholar
A Gooner
Thank you Wellmington,
I have to say you are also a very observant gentleman your self.
Victor Thompson
Just a quick shout out to victor.he may or may not be aware that there is a very large gooner support that frequents the front bar of the botanic in Belfast for most matches.this is not a supporters club as such but the support is fanatical I can assure you.lately,for various reasons it has slackened off a bit but for most of the major games it’s the place to be,especially for cup finals’s heaving with gooners & the atmosphere & singing!is times it’s almost as good as being at the if you haven’t tried it yet give it a never know.p.s….the manager”Gerry Webb”is a fanatical gooner by the way……
Thank you for that information Uwot.
I shall bear that in mind.
Victor Thompson
This is very exciting!! Looking forward to your first post, Victor.
Thanks Zwi
Victor .
Somebody give this man a Twitter account asap!
Thanks Mickey,
My son is going to show me how to open one.
I have just opened a Facebook a/c and he is going to show me how to use this. I usually correspond by E mail.
Thank you for the interest.
Victor Thompson
Hi Victor
Enjoyed reading your piece. I too was weaned on Charles Buchan Monthly. Highbury stadium just a short walk for me in early 50’s so I was able to see many games. Also travelled to away games with elder brother. Supporters club coaches leaving Friday night 10pm for games up North. Back 7am Sunday morning.
So much more I could share. That’s when foundations get well and truly laid.
In early 50’s the Supporters club used to be in Canonbury Lane just round the corner from Tyndale Terrace. Late 50’s they moved to that house corner St Thomas Rd.
I used to live off Liverpool Rd at Hollingsworth St. Would be classed as poor slums today. Outside loo and tin bath etc.
Nice to read your comments Victor.
Take care
Hi Peter,
THank you for your comments.
I can`t believe the reaction to my comments. Dave put a photo of Tyndale Terrace on my contribution and it was the first time I have seen it since the 60`s. Fantastic. Those were fond memories for me. 19 years old in London within walking distance of Highbury. Carnaby Street- the centre of the world. Even the weather was superb.
Trips to The Manor House. I recall seeing the Hollies live. I arrived from Belfast where everything closed on Sundays. London was buzzing. The Christine Keeler affair was on and there just weren`t enough hours in the day. I had a job on the night shift and went straight to Hackney Marshes on Sundays to play football.
Great times.
Victor Thompson