
Racism, dog shi* & defeat – 2nd date with Dulwich

WTTGT Writer: Dean “Dulwich from the hill” Scott

So whilst waiting for the Premier League to start again and my mighty Gooners to keep on their rise to fourth, I again consoled myself with the mouth watering fixture that was Worthing FC V Dulwich Hamlet.

I only live about 20 minutes away from Worthing, but it felt like I had entered a time machine going back to 1974 when I arrived.

I paid my hard earned nine English pounds and as I walked around the stadium, I was told it’d cost me an extra 50p to circle the whole stadium! Word from the terrace is that the extra 50p earns the unenviable right to see the ‘Mr Worthing Steward’. I kept my 50p in my pocket.

So back to 1974; I walked past a Worthing fan who was pointing to every Dulwich player and saying “he’s black, he’s black, he’s black.” First of all, I thought maybe the players’ names were ‘Black’ like the former Arsenal great Tommy, but no, it seems it was due to the colour of their skin. I assume Worthing FC and their classy fans go on pre-season tours of Alabama and various parts of Texas to keep on feeling the love.

Anyway, it was like watching Arsenal. If Arsenal are Barca-lite then Dulwich Hamlet must be Arsenal-lite; so much possession yet created very little. It seemed that from nothing, Worthing scored and for the next hour it was totally Arsenal… whoops, I mean Dulwich. Hamlet’s ‘keeper had very little to do.

Halfway through the second half and the game had to stop for ten minutes due to dog poo. The pap, which appeared from nowhere, had to be removed and amazingly it took 10 minutes because the ref and the Worthing goalie had to determine whether it was dog or fox crap. If you’re interested, the whisper going round the stadium was fox but the goalie assured us that it was dog. The sense of relief was audible when the groundsman indeed confirmed it was dog poo, and then slowly but with a purposeful stride went to the shed and produced a shovel before tentatively removing the offending foul.

The game finished 1-0 to Worthing. How? I don’t know, but that’s football. 

Over the PA system the announcer said that the crowd of 326 was a season high. Some 48 of these were Dulwich fans to which I have now become one of, and I even joined in the songs and learnt that not only are Dulwich Hamlet the best team in the world, they are also from the hill.

“We love you Dulwich, we do, we love you Dulwich, we do, we love you Dulwich, we do, we’re Dulwich from the hill!”

Now everybody together, “Weeeee love you Dulwich…”



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