
Ramsey should be sold!

Many, many fellow Gooners will disagree with what I have to say, but I feel that this Summer Arsene Wenger should cash in on inconsistent midfielder Aaron Ramsey while he still has some value.

Yes it could come back to haunt Arsene but this season Ramsey has been blowing hot and cold, and far too often it has been the latter.

On Sunday he only came on for the remaining 12 minutes but during that time he managed to squander a superb chance to double Arsenal’s lead when he selfishly blazed wide with Robin Van Persie in acres of space.

Of course for a while fans of the Welsh captain could point to his horrific injury he received at Stoke last season which I agree affected him on his return, but it has been over a year since his comeback and that excuse has long gone.

Registering just three goals from midfield in 39 appearences is not an amazing record from someone who gets as many chances as Ramsey does and with Tomas Rosicky’s improving form and Alex Song’s consistently superb performances Ramsey is becoming the weak link of the midfield trio.

I am sure that when Jack Wilshere finally returns from injury Wenger will go with Song holding midfield and Rosicky and Wilshere playing just in front.

He cost the club £5,000,000 when we took him from Cardiff nearly four years ago and now his value is probably still above what we paid for him, but if his performances this season continue through to next then it will drop, rapidly.

If Wenger was to sell the former Bluebird and invest the money in improving the squad then I for one would be delighted.

Thanks for all you have done Aaron, but for me, your time gracing the Emirates pitch is up.


Michael Cox

Site editor

43 Responses to Ramsey should be sold!

  1. [email protected] November 30, -0001 at 12:00 am #

    Ramsey is not a real talent, also… I dont think he shud b playing prem league at the moment. If He deserves his spot it must b in the cups and reserve games. Bennayoun and chambo is a better choice for wenger to play at the mo. We are trying to win something here, its called the 3rd spot. Arsene should know better but maybe his fingers in momma ramseys ass. Up gunners!

  2. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 3:37 pm #

    I totally agree with u Mike. If you look at games that Arsenal lost this season, Aaron was there and made serious blunders too. When Aaron is not there, the performance of the team is high and positive results are earned! Its time for Ramsey either to rediscover himself in training or be sold.

  3. Davi April 10, 2012 at 3:45 pm #

    He's not a burden on the team, he's not a liability, and he has real talent. All that's lacking are the finishing touches, which he's shown he IS capable of adding, in flashes, as is the case with most quality young players. The mistakes he makes come down to inexperience and over-exuberance, not a lack of talent. To get rid of him now would be a serious error because he's a strong worker, not just a talented prima donna. He's done little wrong, and will unquestionably improve.

  4. Jake April 10, 2012 at 3:52 pm #

    Couldn't disagree with you more. Faith in a player with his quality usually pays dividends. You do not know what he does in training any more than me. Wenger must see something in him that warrants his place. He is clearly ahead of Gervinho in the picking order.
    It seems to me Wenger has fixed one of Arsenals key problems over the past few years….LOYALTY! Too many foreign players have left os in the lerch. Now we have a great contingent of home growen players in the likes of Chambers, Walcott, Jenks, Ramsey, Frimpong, Gibbs, Wilsher and a few more on the way up.
    No, keep Ramsey…..he will prove his worth in due time.

  5. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 3:56 pm #

    absolutely right!! he wasn't good enough for arsenal squad..

  6. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 4:04 pm #

    What are you talking about? He's not even 20

  7. lokl April 10, 2012 at 4:05 pm #

    agreed, but not sell him, I really hate ramsey as much as everyone but I feel if arsenal loans him to a premier league club next season it would be better than selling him, he just needs to get more game by starting in them, and he's failing to do so with arsenal

  8. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 4:06 pm #

    My opinion is totally different to yours Mike which I respect it very much. I am not one of Ramsey's favourite fans but all I can say is yes he might be blowing hot and cold at the moment, which is one of them phases most players go through.

    Most players they do go through such phase and there has been a lot with our squad, in the past threee months where have always booed them and wanted them to sidelined for our own personal fears of loosing the game.
    TW14, LK6, AA23, TR7, NB52 have all been blowing cold and more than once have we shouted boes to all of them.

    When such a player is on top form, we forget about how badly he played last week ot last month.
    I still think, he is a good buy and learning each day and let us support him through his learning curve.
    Please, this is just my opinion.

  9. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 4:11 pm #

    Hold on a minute, hes still young and has lots of talent, missing one goal oppurtunity or a few mishaps doesnt warrant a good enough reason to get rid of him. And i thought the tabloids wrote a load of drivel, your analysis of ramsey is amateur at best. Sorry.

  10. daniyal April 10, 2012 at 4:15 pm #

    Completely and totaly disagree and angered by such articles. he is 21. He has real talent. Anyone can see that. I hate it when a club's fans jump on a bandwagon and jsut don't let it go. The same nonsense was being said about song a few years ago. Where are those moaners now? gone hiding in their hole. No one seems to come out and say “we were wrong” I hope in two years whne ramsey is playing at his peak, this website comes out and puts their hands up and says they were wrong.

  11. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 4:18 pm #


  12. Pontus April 10, 2012 at 4:19 pm #

    You're so so wrong and you were probably saying the same thing about robin a few years ago.

  13. GoonerAFC April 10, 2012 at 4:22 pm #

    Completely disagree and totally hate the fact that people write such rubbish…what good is it doing anybody to write these things about your own players. So if Ramsey actually does read this do you think it will do him any good at all??? We're playing fantastic football and all you can do is slate players, get a life and write something positive, this is needless and a pointless article. Why not write about Arteta playing out of his skin, the backline playing superbly….you'll be slagging off RVP next for having 4 games without a goal! Pathetic article.

  14. cinjo April 10, 2012 at 4:35 pm #

    Stupidity. He is very young and very talented footballer.
    May be he is not in good form. We should not sell him.
    He is much fit for arsenal game. He will be very good in one or two years. No doubt…………

  15. Arsenal1Again April 10, 2012 at 4:42 pm #

    I think people should cast their minds back to the early years of Christiano Ronaldo, he started slow. The guy was out all last season so this is really his first full season in the first team. He's a very good player and there's no way he's going to be sold so what is the point discussing it. Have we seen an extended run of games with him paired with Wilshere yet, no we haven't. Wilshere is the future of our club for years to come, so it's how Ramsey plays along Jack that matters and we're yet to see that happen over the course of a full season.

  16. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 4:51 pm #

    wow. just…wow.

  17. Nickerless Bender April 10, 2012 at 4:54 pm #

    Pathetic article. So when Wilshire returns next year, I will guarantee you that he will not be the same player that graced the emirates last year. So shall we sell him?

    Yes, Ramsay has had few mares this year. But so has most the team except for RVP. TV had a shocker against QPR last weekend so let's throw him on the transfer list.

    I personally think AR has had a fair season considering the changes to the midfield with losing SN & CF and the rotation of personnel (never thought I would hear myself say that).

    I for one do not know what you fans expect? Seeing that we were languishing at the bottom of the table at the beginning of the season.

    Let's get rid of the deadwood first before turning on the players that actually want to wear the red and white.

  18. Arsenaladam April 10, 2012 at 4:58 pm #

    I saw this article and thought I would click on just to see how much of a moron the author really is. Ramsey is a great prospect for the club and in the future I can see he being at least vice captain, If not captain of the club.

  19. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 5:01 pm #

    how about we sell every player that has a bad half season? would that be fine with you?

    so lets see, by that account, RVP wouldv been sold a few seasons ago, KOSCIELNY shudv been sold after his first season, THEO should be sold because he “hasnt lived up to the hype”, SONG wouldv been sold after a couple seasons in, ROSICKY wouldv been no where to be seen, i can go on and on.

    dont be so fickle. stay with the team, stick with the players. thats why other fans laugh at most of the time. because we will want players gone in a heartbeat , boo our own players during a game, etc.

    you reserve the right to state your opinion, but i wholeheartedly disagree.

  20. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 5:02 pm #

    *laugh at us

  21. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 5:07 pm #

    They said that when RVP was not performing. They said the same when Song was developing. Some even suggested that Rosicky be let go for free. Today they are the same who are bending over backwards to ask them to stay, blackmailing them with 'loyalty'. If you do not respect your own players, or give them the chance to develop, how well would they perform for the club?

  22. stevie goon April 10, 2012 at 5:34 pm #

    erm..ridiculous post!….admittedly he's been played too much for someone first season after a potentially career breaking injury,5 years time we're be saying he the dogs wotsits…he gets into some great positions!..he's finishing isn't great,but thats a confidence thing!

  23. zedleppelin April 10, 2012 at 5:40 pm #

    Please !! It's his first full season, stop putting the kid under unnecessary pressure. He gets in the right areas and positions and once he starts to score he can be a 20 goals a season midfielder. He's been made Wales captain over people like gareth 'the diving chimp”bale (last seasons PFA player of the year) and craig bellamy. Im sure the coaching staff over at Wales and Arsenal are a better judge of a player than you are. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but if your opinion is as dumb as yours is, you'd be better of not saying anything.

  24. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 5:58 pm #

    Why would you sell someone who will score 200 goals from midfield over the next few years? Only if you were an idiot!

  25. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 6:02 pm #

    Wales captain? Pity Wales team then if the captain is of such quality.

  26. peter. April 10, 2012 at 6:07 pm #

    Whoever you are that posted this article, just go through the comments and you will catch the drift. you are way off the mark!

  27. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 6:07 pm #

    I still remember Qpr game!!!!
    But its all wengers fault, ramsey dnt deserve 1st team football.
    we hv arteta, song, rosicky, benayoun and how dare mr.wenger let ramsey play ahead of gervinho and Aoc as a winger ????
    Its bullshit……………! Sometimes he create good ball but 4 me he is weak and slow.

  28. Scott (USA) April 10, 2012 at 6:11 pm #

    I think Ramsey will in time be a very good player. He probably shouldn't have featured so much earlier in the season. I don't believe he is a starter yet. Maybe in time. A loan out next year would not be the worst idea. He has potential and IMO should not be sold. If he stays in the squad it should be as a sub for now. I don't get a chance to see him in training so I can only go by games which leaves me with limited knowledge of his ability. He is only 20 years old . So much time to grow as a player.

  29. Mike the Max April 10, 2012 at 6:12 pm #

    Whoever wrote this post and supported it should go back to FIFA 2011 and stop trying to unsettle further a promising young mans career just because he has hit a bad patch. The kind of management advocated by this post will bring us the instant gratification performance and management style of the team we just beat. The reason we are now doing well is because we have faith in those who play for us and they have faith in each other, including Ramsey. In this season we have heard all the new boys being slagged off,at a time when Ramsey was immense. Gervinho, Walcott, Song, in fact everyone except RVP and Sczesney. Every season we are told to get rid of this old rubbish or that waster yet those players always have their day and those who shout loudest end up going quiet. For the last few years it's been RVP, Koscielny, Rosicky, Song fortunately we are managed by someone who knows what he is doing and has the courage to ignore you lot. After Redknapps comment about going for a formation against Norwich that others wanted him to play, I thank god that we have the manager we have.

  30. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 7:00 pm #

    Totally disagree. In as much as I am a fervent critique if ramsey, selling him according to tbis author is pointless stupid and irresponsible. Perhaps you wrote this to get attention and readers. Will never visit this site again for such nasty publication. I encourage us all to boycott this site. The guy will eventually come out good and wenger knows wat he is doing about d lad even if we fans are inpatient and rightly so. He will come out good!!!!!!

  31. [email protected] April 10, 2012 at 7:09 pm #

    Don't need to read this,we must dash him out.

  32. Romford pele April 10, 2012 at 8:00 pm #

    You my friend need to have some stern words with yourself! He is 20!!!

  33. 2pistolz2cannonz April 10, 2012 at 8:06 pm #

    disgusting post you obviously don't know talent. The boy was over played early in the season an it's caught up with him . you should be ashamed of yourself, bloody Clown

  34. [email protected] April 11, 2012 at 4:28 am #


  35. [email protected] April 11, 2012 at 4:34 am #

    All of you who've been harping on Ramsey's talent, please explain. What football skills does Ramsey possess? Let's see. Ramsey's passing? Average at best. Dribbling? Average. Positioning? Average. Shooting? Enough said.

    The only talent Ramsey has is he is BRITISH. That's it.

  36. Stalios April 11, 2012 at 6:45 am #

    He's shit!!! Always will be. I've not seen him have a good game this season. The only time he's looked good is when the rest of the team have carried him. Any Gooners who really still believe he's going to be brilliant are kidding themselves. He might be a great acquisition for a lower club but if we are serious about winning silverware next season we must cut out the dead wood and I know it sounds harsh but Ramsey is one of those players.

  37. Steph April 11, 2012 at 7:54 am #

    Simple question related to Ramsey : Who is ZIdane and Xavi at the age of 21 ???

  38. Mike Cox April 11, 2012 at 8:20 am #

    I see this has had mixed responses, which is what I was expecting. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion and there is no wrong or right answer, I would love to be proved wrong and Ramsey become an all time great. Yes I had my doubts over Song when he went on loan to Charlton I thought his time was up, and I was proved wrong then. Although I also said that we should have sold Arshavin last Summer and I am sure his value has dropped significantly since then. If anyone wants to write an article about Ramsey and why you feel he should stay, what he offers etc etc I will have no problem in uploading that at all.

  39. [email protected] April 11, 2012 at 10:35 am #

    True he's simply not good for Arsenal pfft !

  40. Geoff Mapaya April 11, 2012 at 3:47 pm #

    He certainly should go. His heart seems to be somewhere else. No commitment at all.

  41. rzkyawn October 21, 2013 at 5:52 am #

    we was here. should everyone take their words back? my tummy is tickled.

  42. Matthew July 28, 2015 at 5:39 pm #

    Imagine you all read what you said 3 years ago he will be pivotal to our future success without a doubt!

    • Dave Seager July 28, 2015 at 5:48 pm #

      Matthew. I bought Gunners Town in May 2013 and no one who wrote for the site back then writes for us now. Dave

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