DER ZAUBERER – The Wizard I aimed to have the title of this piece bear the name of one of the purest talents to ever grace the hallowed turfs of the Emirates Stadium, Mesut Özil, but I failed. This is not because I didn’t try, but I woefully failed, to find an adjective worthy enough […]
Archive | The Faisal Mohammed Report
As you rage at the Arsenal stop, deep breath, think – God am I becoming like Piers Morgan
THE PIECE ABOUT KEEPING THE PEACE. “Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action, rather it is timing, it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles, and in the right way.” These are the wise words of Venerable Fulton Sheen, once Archbishop of the American Catholic Church. I already […]

Okay so some might have qualms with my choice of word used to describe the increase in the number of Arsenal trolls around but hey, they are as dangerous as the word it’s normally used to describe; Nuclear Weapons. In this day and age, the advent of social media has had astounding effects on the […]