
A 20 year Double or Quits bet on St Totteringham’s Day? – Hindsight’s a BITCH!!


Putting aside the disappointment (& reality check) of last Monday’s defeat at the hands of Swansea and the satisfying (if not slightly frustrating) draw with Manure, I thought I would further relive our 20th St Totteringham Day and review our superiority over the wannabee’s from Middlesex.

Below is a track of our last 20 years of celebrating St Tott’s Day.


To further emphasise The Spuds inferiority complex, a couple of charts (apparently they enhance any point you wish to make)

League Pos

League points

It gives you a warm feeling inside does it not?

Also did you know that if you placed a £10 bet with a Spud in 1995 on the celebration of St Totts Day, on a double or quits basis, you’d be £10,485,760 better off!


 Hindsight’s a bitch!!!!


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