
Wenger Faces Lengthy Ban: is he Arsenal’s “Rebel Without A Clue”?

Don’t get me wrong.

Anything that Wenger does that isn’t sitting on the sideline, furrowed brow, all forlorn…

Wenger forlorn

…or impersonating a sleeping bag struggling to (un)zip itself…

Wenger Zipper

…is fine by moi.

Getting in the face of the sh*t-lipped (why else would he be permanently sneering?) Mourinho… 

Wenger and Mourinho

or venting his ire on inanimate objects…

Wenger Water Bottle

– these little acts of rebellion give us a glimpse of the passion that lurks within Arséne.

There is a rebel inside of Arséne, for sure. But sometimes often most times, that rebellion seems to be misdirected.

To the uneducated eye (mine):

…going full-semaphore to complain about time wasting…

Wenger Semaphore

… or acting out your favourite Monty Python sketch in response to a needless goal conceded…

Wenger Silly Walk

… are examples of energy which could (perhaps) be directed more effectively at waking up your players, who seem to have pitched up for the game half-asleep. Again.

But pushing a match official…? Especially after being sent off a few moments earlier for calling said match official (and his accomplices) a cheat..??

That’s not particularly smart – for a man with thirteen degrees, who speaks eleventeen languages, and has been around the block more times than the pavement.

Wenger should know that the FA has him permanently in its ‘scope. Handbags with Anthony Taylor in the Emirates tunnel was not the wisest choice of action for our rebel of a manager.

Which is what inspired this (tasteful) portrait – which I am calling:

Arséne Wenger: Rebel Without A Clue

Arséne Wenger - Rebel Without A Clue? [Artwork: @invinciblog]


Hopefully Wenger’s silliness doesn’t earn him a ten-match stadium ban.

I doubt he’d fit into a laundry basket (like that sniveling twat, José).

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