
A Collection of Thoughts for 2020 on Arsenal and Football, the game we all love

My thoughts on Arsenal 2020


In life, as in football, you won’t go far unless you know where the goalposts are.


If you eat football, sleep football, breathe football, you are not mad, you’re just passionate.




Playing football with your feet is one thing but playing football with your heart is another.


The beauty of football is that sometimes you laugh and sometimes you cry.


So hard

Playing football is very simple, but playing simple football is the hardest thing there is.


Football is a game of mistakes, whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins.


There are two times of year:

Football season, and

waiting for the football season.


Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball around for 90 minutes and in the end (at the moment) The Arsenal generally do not win.


The game of football is like the game of life; You need to look; You need to think; You need to move; You need to find space; You need to help others.


Football is a game that is played firstly in the mind, but don’t overthink it.


Football is an art, like dancing is an art. But it is only an art when it is done well.


(Original text credit – birthday card from my in-laws)


Once a Gooner, Always a Gooner


Here’s to a Happier 2021

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