
Archive | Greg Cross Column

Arsenal’a Unsung Heroes – David Platt and ‘That Header’ that gave the Gunners Double Winning Belief!

Hello again, loyal readers. After some all night bartering, with negotiations reaching a delicious climax as the summer sun slowly submerged ‘neath the horizon with a shimmering ‘adieu’, I was re-signed for Gunners Town for the princely sum of a packet of ‘Nice ‘n’ Spicy’ Nik-Naks and a barely touched can of Tizer. My next few […]

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Danny Welbeck celebrates

Arsenal have FINALLY signed what they’ve been missing since letting Emmanuel Adebayor leave the Emirates

Dispatches From The Sticks – The mist shroud that had previously hung over the dry stream bed like a ghostly veil parts as a smoke grenade thirty metres away explodes in a fusillade of uncomfortably bright white sparks; utterly searing white sparks and a harrowing grey smoke that almost magically softens into a vivid orange […]

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