The management team at TalkSport have had to sack Adrian Durham, after it came to light that he had been abducted by aliens and replaced by a shape shifter from Rigel 7. Live on air, ‘Durham’ announced that; “Not enough is being said about Arsenal. It’s about time I gave Arsenal some credit!” At this […]
Tag Archives | Aliens
Wenger was a Reptilian and talked to Aliens!! – Top 8 Arsenal Conspiracy Theories- Buffetgate, Lasagnegate and so many more
Plots. Sinister dealings. These words may come to mind when you think conspiracy theories. In our everyday lives we are surrounded by conspiracy claims, from the Moon landing, to Religion, to Government laws. Anywhere you look, a conspiracy could arise. In Football there are many conspiracies at play, from a simple ‘’they cheated’’ or ‘’everyone […]