
Tag Archives | Bould

crisis what crisis

Arsenal in Crisis? Yes.

Arsenal in Crisis? On Crisis Firstly – let me say that crisis in and of itself is not a bad thing. Things fall apart all the time; Chaos is the natural order of our Universe. The word itself comes from the Greek word krisis (to decide). The Oxford dictionary defines crisis as: A time of […]

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GOONBOGGLE An Arsenal comic by Batmandela 018 - Mertesacazette

The Unbearableness of Being Steve Bould (Goonboggle Returns!)

Courtesy of Batmandela (@invinciblog) Goonboggle 18 – Mertesacazette invinciblogI was eleven-and-a-half. My family had just emigrated from Rhodesia to South Africa. All the kids on my street supported United or Liverpool, because of their Southern African goalkeeper connections: Bailey for United and Grobbelaar for ‘Pool. Problem was: I didn’t like the colour red – so […]

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Designed by Batmandela