by Batmandela (@invinciblog)
Please complete the following short survey – which gives you the opportunity to answer some simple questions pertaining to Arsenal’s (mis)handling of the transfer window.
The survey takes into account that the transfer window is only over on September 2nd, 2013.
Thanks for your time.

I was eleven-and-a-half. My family had just emigrated from Rhodesia to South Africa. All the kids on my street supported United or Liverpool, because of their Southern African goalkeeper connections: Bailey for United and Grobbelaar for ‘Pool. Problem was: I didn’t like the colour red – so when FA Cup Final day came around in 1979, I supported the team in yellow, even though their name sounded like “Asshole”. At the final whistle, I had bragging rights and a team that had won my heart.
Then I discovered that the Gunners also wore red. Luckily, I remained loyal, and the Arsenal has kicked my heart around ever since… (apart from a few lost years in the ’90s and early ’00s, when I was busy doing grownup things as a composer in Hollywood).
Abandoned to launch this site with 1 Nil Down 2 One Up blogfather Dave Seager – and we have used this platform to help launch the writing careers of a number of amazing Arsenal bloggers.
Pointless survey as I don’t believe that we will sign any of the players at Q4 but you made it mandatory with no option for ‘NONE’
Waste of time if you are going to put your own bias on the survey.
My sincerest apologies. I accidentally linked to a draft version of the poll. 🙁
It was always my intention for you to be able to bypass those questions without checking any of the players. Unfortunately, the draft version had an answer as compulsory.
My fault entirely. The survey has been updated and should hopefully be correct now. I appreciate your feedback. But honestly, there was never an intention to be biased, as you can tell by the other questions. (Hopefully!)
Thanks for your response.
If you ask any fan, 92% of them will think that their club can’t win the league with new players coming