
3 Reasons or Conspiracies as to why the Top 4 is possible as 2019/20 resumes

Out of the darkness and into the light.

With the renewal of season 19/20 2.0 only just over a week away, I thought I’d throw 3 conspiracy theories out there, that might help us float above the madness to the top 4.


1 – 5 Subs

The average age of the squad is 25.1, (youngest in the EPL) with teenagers such as Saka, Gabi, Eddie, Willock and Nelson, all getting serious game time. Being able to bring on 5 players with youth, exuberance and experience surely must work to our advantage



5 Super subs

2 – No AFTV

No supporters = no ‘random fan ???’ interviews = no pre-prepared negativity infesting cyberspace.

Also, because, let’s face it, spitting all that vitriol from behind a mask just won’t get the YouTube numbers, but would add to the comedy aspect.


3 – No Crowds

This, I believe can be our greatest asset in 2.0.


The team are used to playing in a ‘subdued’ atmosphere, maybe they won’t notice that no one is there!!!!


No library

Until next time 🙂

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