
Saturday Night’s Alright: have Arsenal’s Street Fighting Years returned?

There has been a lot of talk about Arsene returning to The Arsenal in some capacity and just maybe this has happened sooner than we think.

Similar  to Wenger’s infamous spat with Maureen back in 2014.


Mikel came close to blows with Klopp on Saturday night.


Presumably NOT the after effects of an afternoon on the lash in Liverpool docks, 30 minutes into Saturday night proceedings, Mikel went after a piece of Jurgen following Mane’s clash with Tomiyasu.

The fourth official stopped the fracas proceeding to Wenger / Maureen levels but it was encouraging to see Mikel with Wenger’s unerring fighting spirt and willingness to stand up to anyone who wrongs him or his players.

Maybe Arsene has been hanging around London Conley without anyone knowing and his Street Fighting Years have rubbed off on Arteta.

As for the result, a few have started up the Arteta Out bandwagon again, but, although p!ssed off with the result, we need to look at the reality.

We held our own for 40 minutes and basically, youthful inexperience kicked in. We continued with playing from the back, but Liverpool are the masters at the high press and we got caught out. Whereas, in the previous 10 games, we controlled our own destiny from the back.

We haven’t turned into a bad team over night.

This is a youth policy, a work in progress and , yes, we’ve lost to Cit¥, €helsea and the pool, but in reality, we are not at their level yet. We need a season or so of Project Youth to get there.


As much as I hate Michael Owen as a pundit, he did put forward the most sensible thing he has ever uttered after a game:

Despite the result, Arsenal is improving and the team is exciting to watch, I want to see how the team is going to bounce back from this match next game against Newcastle. I admire Mikel Arteta, he has a certain way in playing and didn’t hide or change his style of playing because of Liverpool… yes – you will lose and it will be painful, but that’s the only way to progress.”

Onwards to the rebound against N€wca$tl€


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