
Tag Archives | Fabregas


“The Either/Or Conundrum” – how Arsenal’s midfielders’ limits are short-circuiting our success…

The Either/Or Conundrum Mistakes happen everywhere and football is no exception. No big drama, we chin up and move on. What makes it particularly difficult to process is its repetition, over time, as the concept of learning through experience doesn’t apply. We can accept the odd mistake, the brain fart that bears unpleasant consequences but […]

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arsenal fans

I Grieve, You Grieve, We All Grieve for Arsenal.

It’s been quite a journey, this Gooner journey through the Kubler-Ross stages of GRIEF. First there was DENIAL – an inability, or unwillingness, to accept that there was something rotten in the state of Arsenal. Wenger had gutted his Invincibles, ruthlessly ridding himself of his stars for top dollar to finance the new stadium -and […]

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Ozil & Alexis: Traitors or Simply Mercenaries Moving On? Why I won’t shed a tear when they leave. Arsenal deserves better.

Should we be surprised (or upset) if Ozil and Sanchez don’t renew their contracts? I don’t think so. And here’s why… Traditionally, players signed for Arsenal because it was a step up for them. Or because they held a lifelong dream to play for the Gunners. Neither is the case for our two want-away stars. […]

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