
Tag Archives | the ox

Ramsey Stoke

Wenger hits back as disgraceful Stoke fans hit new low with Ramsey chant

ARSENAL CIRCULAR 127 There is a warm-hearted community character to football. The minute’s silence for a recently deceased favourite or the alternative – the energetic applause. Both work and both represent a coming together of fans in numbers to display affection and remembrance and solidarity. But football is capable of the opposite and at Stoke we […]

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Alexis Wembley FA Cup Semi

Alexis Sanchez is Arsenal’s Wembley Hero and next up Maureen the Pantomime Villain

TBIF – The Weekly Gunners Town Crew Review Friday The 24th April, 2015 Welcome to Thank Bergkamp It’s Friday – where members of the Gunners Town writing team gather to take a look at the Arsenal week that’s just passed. It’s a simple format, really – each week, a smattering of our eclectic scribes will select a HERO, a VILLAIN, a HIGHLIGHT, and […]

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Revenge is sweet! Thrashing Liverpool wins the day.

TBIF! Thumping Liverpool this week’s highlight – but this banana skin could ruin our season…

TBIF – The Weekly Gunners Town Crew Review Friday The 10th April, 2015 Welcome to Thank Bergkamp It’s Friday – where members of the Gunners Town writing team gather to take a look at the Arsenal week that’s just passed. It’s a simple format, really – each week, a smattering of our eclectic scribes will select a HERO, a VILLAIN, a HIGHLIGHT, and a LOWLIGHT from […]

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