A few years ago, The Rambo Curse was rampant.
MAY 1, 2010: Ramsey scored against Manchester United.
MAY 2 2010: Osama bin Laden is shot dead in his compound in Pakistan
October 2, 2011: Ramsey scored against Spurs.
October 5, 2011: Steve Jobs died of cancer
October 19, 2011: Ramsey scored against Marseille.
October 20, 2011: Colonel Gaddafi was captured by rebels and was killed.
February 11, 2012: Ramsey scored against Sunderland.
February 11, 2012: Whitney Houston was found dead in a bathroom at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles
Now it’s started again
January 9, 2016: Aaron Ramsey scores against Sunderland
January 10, 2016: David Bowie tragically dies of cancer
January 13, 2016: Aaron Ramsey scores against Liverpool
January 14, 2016: Alan Rickman sadly dies of cancer
Celebrities be afraid, be very afraid 😉
English by birth, Australian by choice. Traffic Engineer, Arsenal ST Holder, Sun DreamTeam Winner, Writer on @GunnersTown, Depeche Mode, Welcome to my world…
I wonder who is trembling now.
Mugabe of Zimbabwe has died too. Oh the Rambo curse might be real!