In one single moment his whole life got turned around,
he stands there for a minute staring straight into the ground.
Looking to the left slightly then looking back down,
his world feels like its caved in, proper sorry frown.
“Please let me show you how I can make this work for us,
I can change, I can grow or I can adjust.
The wicked thing about it all is there’s always been trust.
I’d even stay cigarette free if I must.”
*Albeit it will be hard*
He looks at him and Arsene stares straight back at him,
his eyes glaze over like he’s looking straight through him.
Then his eyes closed for what seems like an eternity
and when they open up he’s looking down at his feet.
[Chorus]Dry your eyes Jack, I know it’s hard to take but his mind is made up.
There’s plenty more clubs by the sea.
Dry your eyes Jack, I know you want to make him see how much this pain hurts, but you’ve got to walk away now, its over.
Has he found himself a club by the sea?
So then he moves his hands off and down by his side,
shaking, his life is crashing before his eyes.
He turns the palm of his hand up to face the skies,
touches the Arsenal badge and let’s out a sigh.
Because he can’t imagine his life without Arsenal you see,
there’s the Champions League to be doing, the Premier League to be winning.
It weren’t supposed to be easy, surely, please please, he’s begging, please.
Arsene brings his hands up towards where Jack’s hands had rested
And points to the his pocket of 20 Marlboro and swan vestas
He then peels away his hands, looks at him and then gestures,
by pointing to the stands saying “It’s for the supporters”.
Dry your eyes Jack, I know it’s hard to take but his mind is made up.
There’s plenty more clubs by the sea.
Dry your eyes Jack, I know you want to make him see how much this pain hurts, but you’ve got to walk away now, its over.
Jack’s just standing there.
He can’t say a word.
‘Cause everything has just gone.
He’s got nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
He tries to pull him close out of bare desperation,
He puts his arms around him to try to change what he’s saying.
He brings his head level with his so he might engage in.
And looks into his eyes to make him listen again,
“I’m not gonna fcuking just fcuking just leave it all now.
’cause you said it would be forever and that was your vow,
A few fcuking injuries and you let this crash and fall down.
Your well out of order now, this is well out of town.
Arsene pulls away, Jack’s still arms tightly clamped around his waist
Arsene gently pushes him back and looks at him straight.
Arsene turns around so he’s now got his back to Jack’s face,
Takes one step forward, looks back and then walks away.
Dry your eyes Jack, I know it’s hard to take but his mind is made up.
There’s plenty more clubs by the sea.
Dry your eyes Jack, I know you want to make him see how much this pain hurts, but you’ve got to walk away now, its over.
Lyrics & music: The Streets
Alternative Lyrics: Wellmington

English by birth, Australian by choice. Traffic Engineer, Arsenal ST Holder, Sun DreamTeam Winner, Writer on @GunnersTown, Depeche Mode, Welcome to my world…
Jack Wilshere has to learn his lessons in this hard way. I so much love him that I wish if there is going to be one Arsenal lengendery position that is available, it should be for him despite his potentials unrealsed coupled with his injury records. When he’s fit, he’s fit making all fans believe he’s break through has finally come.
Its so much unfortunate that he fell victim of Arsene Wenger anger. The man people failed to realise as “SLOW POISON” in all areas I.e transfer, disciplinary, achievement, team building, reation to critics etc. He doesn’t rush at things, he does all at slow and steady pace.
Wojech Scessny must read the hand writting on the wall now. I didn’t really feel for him like I did for Jack because he doesn’t have injury worries instead where he ought to raise his game that is where he dashes fans hope. He father cum agent doesn’t help the situation when he should call his son to order, he comes out blabbing.
Finally, the last struck that broke the camel’s back and also what the two shares in common is “SMOKING”. It weakens work rate in sportsmen. I am not saying we don’t have some of them that gets to their peak despite smoking. In the case of the two of Arsenal players, its not so going by fans expectation from them.
CONCLUSSION: Jack should go by whatever his Manager wants from him to excel.