
Leaked document reveals new Emirates statues planned for coming year – EXCLUSIVE!


I had a conversation on Twitter yesterday about what constitutes a legend in Arsenal terms and in the conversation the possibility of the next Gunner great to be cast in bronze at the Emirates was raised. It brought to mind a blog I wrote in February 2013 for my old site. It was written around the time it was revealed the next statue was to be Bergkamp. 

It was one of the most popular blogs I had written at the time and I wondered if it would still be funny now……

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We at ‘1 Nil Down 2 One up’ were delighted to hear last night the news that one of the greatest players ever to play for Arsenal, Dennis Bergkamp was to be immortalised in bronze at the Emirates. I might add I am firmly of the view that his is not only an Arsenal great but a world all-time great and I am certain not many of my readers would argue. You will no doubt by now has seen the image of what we can expect and if not this can be seen above in all its potential glory.

However it is unlikely that many of you will have seen or heard of further statues planned for this season and into next. Via a source senior within the AST, 1ND2OU has got hold of a leaked document from an Emirates insider. The document contains detailed proposals for the future immortalisation of several Arsenal legends and indeed moments from the rich tapestry of our club’s great history.

So with no regard for the legalities and at much personal risk I have decided to share some of these plans with my readers. Trust me there are some surprises in the shortlist. Indeed I would go as far to say as the club would be extremely bold to go with some of these, although I can see how they might prove popular with supporters.

I would like to thank my Artistic Director, Nathan Larkin (@TheNathanLarkin) for working to exacting deadlines so 1ND2OU could bring you this exclusive ahead of its rivals:
The first proposal will be popular with fans and it is Martin Keown sharing a joke with his friend Ruud van Nistlerro0y at Old Trafford in September 2003. This penalty miss of course left the game goal less and provided spring board for our unbeaten season. No wonder Martin looks delighted:

The second from the shortlist we are delighted to reveal is the legendary image of Paul ‘The Magic Man’ Merson celebrating his thunderous League Cup final goal v Sheffield Wednesday in April 93. The imaginary beer guzzling quite ironic now of course, but an iconic nonetheless!

Our third selection from the shortlist is undoubted a populist move for the fans but very controversial and it involved the club’s 2nd top scorer of all time Ian Wright Wright Wright stamping on Peter Schmeichel. Whoops!


The 4th Arsenal stalwart who may be immortalised is our 1970s left back and Northern Irish buddy of Pat Rice, Sammy Nelson. But the idea of casting in bronze his mooning of the fans v Coventry in April 79. Oh well he got a 2 week ban and returned to help us win the FA Cup in May.

This next brings to a more modern era and a popular image with all Gooners that is up for consideration. Yes surprisingly it is Eboue’s sideline goal celebration jig. A classic and favourite of all I imagine:



Quite incredible you might think and I will be stunned if the powers that be go for all these suggestions. I myself was beginning to wonder were the submissions to the AFC Statue Committee had come from? Obviously given the populist nature of many of the proposals I had assumed the leaked document had been a supporter group submission. However when I saw the last and most surprising recommendation for immortalisation in bronze outside the Emirates it all became clear!


There is no way Mr Payton that Stan and Ivan will agree to this no matter how much they respect the work of the AST!!!

Quite worried how short your legs appear by the way Tim?

For those who have got to here were still thinking this was a serious exclusive apologies for misleading you!

My next blog I promise will be a sensible footballing one ………….


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2 Responses to Leaked document reveals new Emirates statues planned for coming year – EXCLUSIVE!

  1. RealTalk September 8, 2016 at 10:07 am #

    What a stupid article. Click bait article.

    • Dave Seager September 8, 2016 at 2:59 pm #

      Get a sense of humour. They are nice 🙂

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