Arsene is sitting in his office after a hard day’s training, which is getting easier these days as he doesn’t have to keep calling the doctors to deal with Jack, when his phone rings.
“Hi Arsene, God here. How are things?”
“Not too bad, son. Long time no hear!!”
“Yeah, sorry – been a bit busy, you see. Trying to sort out the lads for the match at the weekend. How do you do it week in, week out?”
“Well, as we’ve discussed previously, it’s not as easy as it looks, but as long as you stay true to your principles, the process is pretty much the same”
“Yeah, I hear you, that’s what I’ve been trying to say to the boys. Diet, training and discipline, 3 virtues that should hold you firm. After all, it’s worked for you for the last 20 years”
“True, true. Especially when you have to deal with Satan’s Little Helper week in week out.”
Satan’s Little Helper
“Talking of the Satan’s Little Helper, how is Maureen, these days?”
Or Satan’s Little Helper
“Oh, he’s still a pain in the arse, but he’s got bigger problems these days, than bothering about watching and commenting on The Arsenal week in week out. He’s spent £200 million, United are playing sh!te and Conte is taking the piss out of him on live TV”
“Yeah, I saw that, heartbreaking, not!!
Anyway better go, got to sort the boys out, Thanks for the chat, Arsene, see you soon.”
“No worries Dennis, see you in May for the handover!!”

English by birth, Australian by choice. Traffic Engineer, Arsenal ST Holder, Sun DreamTeam Winner, Writer on @GunnersTown, Depeche Mode, Welcome to my world…
Ha, Ha…LOVE IT…;-)