It’s The Arsenal, it’s all about perspective
Following 2 defeats in 4 days, to some fans, twitter has become a place of vitriol and vengeance, with a number trolling other fans for their personal views.
Through all the shite, I was relieved to find a level headed view and with the kind permission of the author, @kevdavis736, please find his open letter below.
As Kevin says, there are more important things in life, learn to take an Arsenal defeat on the chin and learn to respect all Arsenal fans
Happy Christmas
Arsenal Football Twitter: What is going on!!!?
My background: having been an Arsenal fan all my life (40+ years) I’ve seen both highs and the lows. My dad was an Arsenal fan (RIP), not quite sure how my brother ended up a Liverpool fan. I see myself as a Proud Positive Arsenal fan, the way I see it, I have been supporting them for over 40 years, and in that time there have been great, good and bad seasons. The whole idea of being a fan/supporter is you stick by and love your team win lose or draw.
I started my Twitter account November last year, and 90% of the time it’s a great place to be (engaging people that support the Arsenal). The other 10% of the time, Twitter can be a very intimidating, and abusive place.
After the Man City game I was angry, disappointed, and frustrated, and can completely understand why many of you wanted to get your Frustrations of your chests in a constructive or even a humour way.
But why is it a minority of so called fans, think it is OK to pick arguments, and verbally abuse fellow fans, just because they don’t share the same views. What is wrong with them?
Also I’m very concerned by again a minority of so called fans that can’t take an Arsenal defeat on the chin, and stay angry for day’s or even weeks. People believe me there is more to life than football. It’s coming up-to Christmas when the most important thing should be family and friends. I get asked why I am so positive all the time? Well here goes: 12 years ago I lost my Nan, Dad and job all in the space of 6 months, this year I lost my Mother in Law, and my Uncle has Cancer. If I can come through all that heartache, then my beloved Arsenal aren’t going to get me down when they go through bad times.
It’s all about perspective.
You are never going to stop the so called abusive fans, but I just wanted to share my thoughts with my followers, just so you know what I’m all about. I understand if you want to unfollow me, if you don’t share the same views.
We are all Arsenal Fans (Respect each other and agree to disagree)
#TogetherStronger #COYG
English by birth, Australian by choice. Traffic Engineer, Arsenal ST Holder, Sun DreamTeam Winner, Writer on @GunnersTown, Depeche Mode, Welcome to my world…
To Kev Davis,, via Steve Wellman.
May I first of all share my condolences to you and your family and I wish your Uncle the very best. If Arsenal has brought you some release from your despair then that is a good thing, but the issues we discuss are not of that kind of magnitude and I agree that there is a kind of perspective.
Mostly I share your concern about fellow supporters abusing each other and this is the proper time of the year for those who do it, to stop and take stock of where we are. This is the time of year for goodwill and I hope they may look differently upon their opposing counterparts and ask themselves “is there not a better way of showing your dissatisfaction than letting yourselves and the club down”?
Have the best Xmas you can Kev.
Victor Thompson
I watched Liverpool throw a 2-goal lead to lose at Bournmoth and I wondered what the ‘fans’ would do if it were Arsenal!!!!