There once was a guy who owned Spotify
Who loved Arsenal and his dream was to buy
So he spoke to Thierry
And his mate Paddy
Then they convinced Dennis to help them try
Now The Arsenal are owned by the Kroenkes
And about the club they don’t give a monkeys
They’re only in for the money
And they think it’s just funny
To treat the fans like they are donkeys
They chased an ESL franchise
And they were totally surprised
When the fans said “that’s it”
“we’ve had enough of this sh!t”
“We won’t let you oversee OUR clubs demise”
Wrighty tweeted and pleaded all to try
To stop the yanks bleeding the club dry
So the banners came out
Fans joined the shout
To tell the Americans “Goodbye”
So definitely, there is no doubt
We’ve had enough of the crap they spout
EK and his buddies
Could bring us glory
So finally let’s get #KroenkeOut
English by birth, Australian by choice. Traffic Engineer, Arsenal ST Holder, Sun DreamTeam Winner, Writer on @GunnersTown, Depeche Mode, Welcome to my world…
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