
Elneny considering new Contract with Arsenal?

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New deal?

The 29-year-old midfielder, Mohamed Elneny, has secured win after win for London’s Arsenal Football Club. After the thrilling win against Manchester United with a score-line of 3-1, the team marches toward the final four, leaving Man Utd in the dust. Without a doubt, Arsenal’s season has been a rollercoaster, promising the possibility to make it to the championship this year, but ultimately not making the cut after losing several matches. Of course, after the recent games with United and Chelsea, Arsenal’s chances shot up. Only time will tell how things unfold in Arsenal’s next matches, including against rivals West Ham and Tottenham.

Considering the slew of injuries Arsenal have undergone this season, including Tierney, Thomas Partey, and Tomiyasu, it’s impressive to see how the remaining players have given it their all to compensate for their absence. Among the players, Mohamed Elneny’s consistency and tact have proven to be a great asset to the team’s performance. With the midfielder’s contract reaching expiration in June, the Gunners will have to decide whether to keep the player or to start looking for a new midfielder.

As for Elneny, while there have been rumours about his possible moving to Turkey, the Egyptian player has been vocal about his enthusiasm for Arsenal and has even indicated he would sign with the team if presented the opportunity. Elneny goes on to describe his dedication to Arsenal, putting in all he had in training to play as starting XI each match. Soon, he got what he wanted, being able to start at Chelsea, and he delivered as promised and more. He went on to note that Arsenal have been like a family to him for the last six years, and he would like to keep it that way.

A Look back on Elneny’s Career

Things weren’t always so bright for Elneny. In 2018, he had been named the second-worst player of the second-worst team, referring to Egypt’s performance at the 2018 World Cup. He had earned the infamous title after teammate Salah had been injured and Elneny had to take his place. Sports commentators claimed that Elneny failed to fulfil his responsibilities, seemingly abandoning his post against attacks. The Egyptian team paid the price taking home zero points.

Elneny participates in Besiktas victory over Antalya - EgyptToday

Since his major loss at the 2018 World Cup, it appears Elneny took it to heart. While Arsenal still renewed their contract with him, the club loaned him to Beşiktaş, a Turkish football club based in Istanbul, in the summer of 2019. By the time 2020 rolled around, Elneny returned to Arsenal and performed like a completely different player. He had become more consistent with his attacks and cultivated his ability to score, including his goal in the Premier League in a match against Newcastle United.

It’s safe to say Elneny’s tale is nothing short of an underdog story. As he has grown as a player over the years, the Gunners hope to see an EFL Championship win in their future. It would be the first time the club has held the title in nearly twenty years.

As fans keep their fingers crossed for the West Ham and then the Tottenham match, maintaining Elneny on the team could mean great things for Arsenal’s long-term future. Just as the Gunners have helped Elneny grow into a strong, dependable player, hopefully, Elneny will return the favour by developing the club’s technical and offensive skills.


Mo still loves the Arsenal

Three Cheers for the Underdogs

Elneny isn’t the first underdog to prove naysayers wrong. From football players to poker masters, there is nothing more rewarding than winning against all odds. Some of football’s biggest underdog stories happened in places no one would expect, such as the 2015 Leicester City Premier League title win.

In 2015, Leicester City were sitting ducks. A small team surrounded by well-funded, well-coached teams, nobody expected anything from the seemingly hopeless, dinky Leicester City team. In fact, sports commentator Gary Lineker stated if the team should win, then he would do the next season’s first match in just his underwear.

Lo and behold a few months later, when Leicester City marched their way to the championship victory, Lineker was obligated to hold his end of the deal. In the summer of 2016, the presenter proudly presented the next season’s match of the day in a pair of fresh, white underwear.

Luckily, Arsenal’s chances seem to be much higher than Leicester City’s were, so there shouldn’t be any need for TV presenters in their underwear.

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