
Tag Archives | Bergkamp


Losing Kobe: a Gunner laments

“What,” you may ask, “…is a South African Gunner doing writing about the Black Mamba?” No – the answer isn’t a connection as tenuous as the fact that Kobe’s namesnake terrorizes my local sub-Saharan compatriots. It lies in the 16 years that I spent living in Los Angeles from 1996-2012, plying my trade as a […]

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Wenger tactics

Wenger Don’t Do Tactics: Settling The Debate

A fellow contributor here, Mr. Dougie Cazorla, made a great piece on how Wenger does “do tactics”, but not well enough. I agree with his analysis in very large part. However, I think it is a valid criticism, albeit stretched and distorted somewhat. So, using my best colloquial/non-Standard English: is the notion that Wenger “don’t […]

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