Running Scared (and I am Beginning to think we might struggle to make top 4)
So, the polarisation of Gooners has begun again.
You are either ‘Arteta Out’ or ‘Blind Arsenal Faith’.
There is no middle way.
Gone are the days of reasoned debates and subjective thought process. These have been replaced by vitriol and blind bigotry.

It is Hate or be hated.
I am on a few fan forums both in the UK and Australia, when fans start physically threatening each other (and players) because they have a different view on Arteta, Xhaka, Pepe, et al, you know it has gone too far and maybe, just maybe you need to take a breath and take a reality check.
We live and breathe football and for 90ish minutes a week it is our everything.
Yes, when we lose, we are p!ssed off.
Yes, when we play badly, we are p!ssed off.
Yes, when X player does something stupid, we are p!ssed off.
But, when that p!ssed offness, takes over your whole life and makes you that so angry, maybe, just maybe, there is something else wrong in your life.
Don’t blame The Arsenal, take a look at yourself.
Rant over.
Now, I know some will accuse me of not caring enough, or not knowing Arsenal enough as I am a ‘foreign fan’ (not actually but that is by the by), but here is my (hopefully) reasonable view on things.
Scared to make a forward pass in case it is intercepted
Scared to make a forward run-in case they get caught out of position
Scared to take someone on in case they lose the ball
Scared to take responsibility
Scared to stand up and be counted

Cannon too heavy?
Well, I’m sorry boys, the cannon is heavy, and you need broad shoulders, you need to man up, stop over thinking and play.
This isn’t as bad a team as our league position indicates and it isn’t “The worse Arsenal squad ever” as some of the extremists would have you believe.
Also, Arteta must take some blame. Over coaching is killing our form.
Chill your bones, Mikel.
I believe you are a great coach, so coach your ethos, but let the players play as well. They are overthinking and so are you.

Over thinking things
“You have two types of people: fighters and victims, You need fighters, and you don’t want any victims. Victims bring excuses, victims bring negativity, and they start to blame anything that is happening around them or is not going their way. You need people who fight, people who contribute and people who are ready to give everything to the club in this moment.”
This applies to the players and the manger!!!!
Because, if we don’t sort this out, I reckon we might struggle to make top four this season!!!!!

English by birth, Australian by choice. Traffic Engineer, Arsenal ST Holder, Sun DreamTeam Winner, Writer on @GunnersTown, Depeche Mode, Welcome to my world…
You not only a reasonable guy, you are funny too, with the top four aside and Arteta great coach bit….
Well enjoy your Holidays in a reasonably safe way.
Why don’t you like ozil we all like ozil me one of good players ho play wen winger was a manager we do like you as a manager so why do you go
To be honest i agree with your evaluation of the Arsenal fan base. Some of who would have us sack 10 managers over the next 5 years. But that is not the answer. The reality is, we have 8-9 senior sqaud players who lack the power, the pace, the quality, the fight and the skill levels required by our club and yhe premier league.
Players like Luiz, Ozil, Bellerin, Socratis, Xhaka, Kolasinac, Mustafi, Elneny, Lacazette to name the guilty parties. 8 of those players on big contracts, were apart of the Wenger squad tha saw us drop out of the champions league. Now 4 years older everyones expectation is for managers to get this dross to perform, added to the fact they are poison within the camp.
We havnt got the worse sqaud we have the weakest in a generation. The positives are in the youth players we have coming through. Azeez, Saka, Smith-Rowe, AMN, Willock, Martinelli, Balogun, Nkethia all looking like they can be the future of this squad. Arteta needs to do 3 things 1. Stop giving the media what they want to hear 2. get the shit out of our club 3. carry on with the quality signings like Gabriel and Partey.
We have to judge the squad not the just the manager. We have took at it and say how many of these players would we as fans want to keep and the can do a job and suit the premeir league. For me at the moment our predicament rates it at 25% managers fault 75% the squad. Arteta is a rookie coach at a club with alot of bad players and no money to spend. Ill judge arteta when he has his squad not the failing squsd of the past.