And here we go again, Jeff ‘I used to sit and watch football in a studio’ Stelling, has called out Benny Blanco for committing the heinous crime of ‘playing cards on holiday’.
Jeff Stelling on Ben White:
“He decided he didn’t want to play for England and he has been enjoying his time there by the looks of it.
While his England team-mates suffered a 1-0 defeat to Brazil, Ben was enjoying a game of Uno and soaking up the sun on a beach in Dubai.
I have a bit of sympathy for people who play cards, but not Ben. What are you doing?
What are you doing posting the fact that you are in Dubai playing cards? You decided not to play for England, that’s fine. Your prerogative, just let the boys get on with it.”
I have been informed that Stelling is going to lobby the House of Lords to get an emergency law passed.
To be known as ‘Jeff’s Law’, anyone one found enjoying themselves, whilst colleagues are failing at their chosen pursuits, will be hung, drawn and quartered and their remains placed on spikes at The Tower.
This will act as a warning to all, to make sure you stay at home and be miserable, when England are playing football.

English by birth, Australian by choice. Traffic Engineer, Arsenal ST Holder, Sun DreamTeam Winner, Writer on @GunnersTown, Depeche Mode, Welcome to my world…
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